
Computer Graphics
University of Freiburg

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Home Team Research Teaching Student Projects Publications

Summer term 2025

Image Processing and Computer Graphics
Lecture: Tuesday 14-16. Wednesday 10-12 (biweekly). 101 00 036.
Tutorial: Wednesday 10-12 (biweekly).

Advanced Topics in Rendering
Seminar: Tuesday 12-14. 052 02 017.

Advanced Topics in Animation
Seminar: Wednesday 12-14. 052 02 017.

Ausgewählte Themen der Computergraphik
Seminar: Tuesday 10-12. 052 02 017.

Computer Graphics (Rendering Track / Simulation Track)
Bachelor-Project: by appointment.
Lab Course: by appointment.

Advanced Computer Graphics (Rendering Track / Simulation Track)
Master-Project: by appointment.

Bildverarbeitung, Computersehen und Computergraphik
Seminar: Tuesday 16-18. 052 02 017.

Computer Graphics Reading Group
Seminar: Wednesday 16-18.

Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis
By appointment.

Online office hour
Tuesday 9-10, during term time.


Image Processing and Computer Graphics - Lecture
The following slide sets and recordings cover the graphics part of the key course.
The image processing part can be found here.
IntroductionRecording  (April 22)  /  Ray CastingRecording  (April 23)  /  ShadingRecording  (April 29)  /  Homogeneous NotationRecording  (April 30)  /  ProjectionRecording  (May 6)  /  RasterizationRecording  (May 7)  /  Exercise (May 13)  /  Exercise (May 14)  /  CurvesRecording 1Recording 2  (May 20, May 21)  /  Exercise (May 27)  /  Exercise (May 28)  /  Particle FluidsRecording  (June 3)  /  Summary, Q & A, Outlook (June 4)  /  Test exam  /  Point on a line at infinity

Image Processing and Computer Graphics - Tutorial
Tom Dalling provides an excellent tutorial as an introduction to OpenGL >3.0. A copy of the tutorial embedded in a cmake environment with some tasks can be downloaded here and the solution here.

Advanced Computer Graphics - Lecture
IntroductionRecording  /  RadiometryRecording 1Recording 2  /  MaterialsRecording 1Recording 2Recording 3  /  RadiosityRecording 1Recording 2  /  Stochastic RaytracingRecording 1Recording 2Recording 3  /  Sampling Strategies  /  Aliasing  /  Test Exam

Advanced Computer Graphics - Tutorial
Framework 1 (Stefan Band)  /  Framework 2 (Philipp Bausch / Christoph Gissler)

Simulation in Computer Graphics - Lecture
IntroductionRecording  /  Particle MotionRecording 1Recording 2Recording 3  /  Elastic SolidsRecording 1Recording 2  /  Particle FluidsRecording 1Recording 2Recording 3  /  Grid Fluids  /  Rigid BodiesRecording  /  Bounding Volume HierarchiesRecording  /  Space SubdivisionRecording  /  Test Exam

Simulation in Computer Graphics - Tutorial
Coin 3.1.3: VS2013, Coin sources, SoWin sources, Readme Windows, Readme Linux
Notes: Introduction, Numerical Integration, Elastic Solids
Particles: Description, Exercise, Solution
Fireworks: Description, Exercise, Solution
Mass-spring systems: Description, Exercise, Solution, Matrix-free CG (Stefan Band)
Mass-spring systems: Implicit Euler Implementation Notes
Rigid bodies: Description, Exercise, Solution
Space partitioning: Description, Exercise, Solution
Reorganized source code with CMake (Peter Würth): All exercises, Readme
SPH fluids (Stefan Band): Introduction, Source code

Advanced Topics in Rendering
Registration  /  Schedule  /  Topics  /  IntroductionRecording  /  Template  /  Example PresentationExample Report  /  Introduction to Powerpoint

Advanced Topics in Animation
Registration  /  Schedule  /  Topics  /  IntroductionRecording  /  Template  /  Example PresentationExample Report  /  Introduction to Powerpoint

Ausgewählte Themen der Computergraphik
Anmeldung  /  Termine  /  Themen  /  EinführungAufzeichnung  /  Formatvorlage  /  BeispielvortragBeispielbericht  /  Powerpoint-Einführung

Previous Material

Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
Einführung  /  Beschreibung  /  Korrektheit  /  Effizienz  /  Laufzeit  /  Teile und Herrsche  /  Entwurfsmuster  /  Datenstrukturen  /  Sortieren  /  Suchen  /  Hashverfahren  /  Suchbaum  /  AVL-Baum  /  Bereichsbaum  /  Graph  /  Zusammenfassung

Themen  /  Einführung  /  Formatvorlage  /  Powerpoint-Einführung

Image Processing and Computer Graphics - Tutorial
This is an OpenGL <3.0 implementation of shadow maps and shadow volumes.
Exercise 1: Transformations, Code VS2010, Code VS2013, Solution
Exercise 2: Shadow Prerequisites, Code VS2010, Code VS2013, Solution VS2010, Solution VS2013
Exercise 3: Shadow Volumes, Code VS2010, Code VS2013, Solution VS2010, Solution VS2013
Exercise 4: Shadow Maps, Code VS2010, Code VS2013, Solution VS2010, Solution VS2013
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